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On Stay Safe Rx you will find current events and resources advocating for safe prescription labeling practices. When patients struggle to see, read or understand their prescription labels they are more likely to take the wrong medication, take it improperly, or not take it at all. Pharmacies can make prescription labels more accessible by incorporating dual-language, audible, large print, Braille, plain language, and user-friendly designs. Check out the resources in the side bar to assist your own advocacy efforts or browse through posts to see what others are working on or have achieved.

Oklahoma's Opioid Case Against Johnson & Johnson Goes to Court

The case filed by Oklahoma against Johnson & Johnson over its possible involvement in the opioid epidemic has begun. NBC calls it a precedent-setting trial. The state’s attorney general has accused Johnson & Johnson of misleading doctors for years by de-emphasizing the risks of opioids and instead touting the benefits.

Johnson & Johnson disputes the allegations and is fighting them in court. Oklahoma’s attorney general has accused other big pharma companies with similar allegations. Some of those companies have settled prior to going to trial. It appears that Johnson & Johnson will see the case through in court.

See NBC's coverage below: