Providing your testimony to the committee or legislature considering a bill regarding accessible prescription labeling can influence the passage and amendment process if changes need to be made to make it achieve the desired end result.
Ideally, the
collection of testimonies provided to the legislature or committee will include a wide range of experiences
that demonstrate the key points the law is designed to address. If you are part of a group, perhaps have a
discussion about who will focus their testimony on which of the talking points
below so the gambit of issues are addressed through the testimonies.
The purpose of the testimony
is to demonstrate how the law would assist both you and the pharmacist in more
effective communication, equal access to printed prescription information mandated by law, and provide personal safety, independence and access to healthcare.
When writing, keep these key points in mind:
- The danger and difficulty of managing prescriptions when you cannot read the label
- Prescription labels are mandated for patient safety yet inequitable access to this mandated information persists
- The challenge of requesting accommodation at the pharmacy
- The (in)effectiveness of solutions already offered
- The personal and financial cost of medication
errors for patient, pharmacy and state
Sample Outline:
a. Identify yourself and the organization you
b. Name the committee members and sponsors in your
greeting. If someone is local or near your area, be sure to mention that and that
you appreciate their time.
c. Present your position, specify the Bill: Explain
why you support the legislation generally. Get into specifics below.
Body demonstrates the need for equal access
to critical prescription label information.
a. Pick one or two facts or data as evidence of the
need. Number in your state of blind or persons whose primary language is not English, CDC
statistics, etc.
Give an example of one or two of the following
that best suit your situation. If you are organizing multiple people giving testimony, try to make sure all points are covered.
- Danger Your experience managing multiple medications without being able to read the label. Errors that have been made (yours or the pharmacy’s). How it made you feel. “Solutions” that have not worked. So and so wants to help, but this solution is just not cutting it. Or I appreciate their willingness to try, but we need something solid to enforce this.
- Distinct Needs Your
experience being given counseling, interpreting or an alternative format
that did not meet your disability or unique needs. (For example
you’re not a Braille reader, the font wasn’t big enough, the page got
separated from the bottle, also have hearing loss, etc)
- Denials Your
experience requesting an ADA or Civil Rights accommodation being
denied. How much time and effort was expended? How much up the corporate chain did you go? (How high up was the denial? Did it stop with the pharmacist, or did a manager or corporate representative get involved?) Explain what reasoning was given for
the denial.
- Distance/Transportation Your experience of being referred to another pharmacy a distance away or a mail order option and the struggles of utilizing that option to demonstrate the need for service at the window. (no ride, controlled substances cannot be mailed, meds arriving in an untimely manner, does not accept insurance).
- Financial Loss An example of the cost of medication errors personally or financially. How did it make you and your family feel? How did the pharmacist feel? What other ramifications were there? Emergency Department Visits, medical expenses, additional travel costs, caregiver expenses, etc. You must be able to show that the overall cost to the state and patient far out way the cost of pharmacies implementing. AKA the monthly cost difference between independent living and assisted living, the cost of ride-share to go to another pharmacy across town or to hire a caregiver for an hour is more than the accessible label cost, etc.
- Demonstration Your Success Story!!! A personal experience that demonstrates how accessible/dual language prescription labels benefit both patient and pharmacist. Demonstrating how accessible/dual language prescription labels are successful is critical.
c. Explain how this law is the best solution to the
problem. This law gives grounds to stand
on to ensure the right to medication safety is fulfilled. All people should
have equal access to prescription information regardless of disability.
3. Conclusion/rephrase your support: I urge you to support and pass Bill # which
will enable.... or because... and thank them again.