International Mother Language Day 2023


image of a dove created by names of languages in many fonts

 International Mother Language Day February 21, 2023

International Mother Language Day aims to safeguard linguistic diversity and the unique opportunities, traditions, memory, modes of thinking and expression that lived languages preserve.
According to the UN, "Every two weeks a language disappears taking with it an entire cultural and intellectual heritage. At least 43% of the estimated 6000 languages spoken in the world are endangered. Only a few hundred languages have genuinely been given a place in education systems and the public domain, and less than a hundred are used in the digital world."
Learn more about cultural diversity and International Mother Language Day 2023:

Virginia and Oklahoma Introduce Bills Promoting Translated Prescription Labeling


Virginia and Oklahoma Introduce Dual-Language Prescription Labeling Bills

Virginia Delegate Elizabeth Guzmán has introduced a HB2147. The original text of the bill meant to require pharmacies to provide dual language prescription labels and direct the board to publish on their website model directions for use in five languages.  The text was amended to first direct the Board of Pharmacy to convene a work group of interested stakeholders to evaluate the feasibility of requiring translated directions on prescription labels. The Board will then report back to the House Committee on Health, Welfare and Institutions and the Senate Committee on Education and Health by December 1, 2023.  The amended bill was unanimously passed by the House on February 6, 2023 and moved onto the Senate. For full text and tracking visit:

In Oklahoma Representative Arturo Alonso-Sandoval has introduced HB2419 which instructs the Board of Pharmacy to adopt rules that pharmacies, upon request of a patient of limited English proficiency or their representative, will provide a prescription label in both English and the language requested.  The board also has the option of requiring the informational insert to be dual-language as well.  The board will  determine 14 languages to be made available based on US Census and Oklahoma Health Care Authority data.  The bill also requires pharmacies to post signage about free interpretation and translation services. For complete text and tracking:



Maryland Bill (HB 456) for Accessible Prescription Labeling Introduced


Tips for your Testimony in the Maryland General Assembly - Maryland Shall  Issue®, Inc. 

 Maryland Bill (HB 456) for Accessible Prescription Labeling Introduced

Maryland House Bill 456 was introduced January 30, 2023 and assigned to the Health and Government Operations Committee. The bill had many sponsors at introduction including Delegates Michele Guyton  MD, Dalva Attar, Alethia McCaskill, Julie Palakovich Carr, Jen Terrasa, and Kris Valderrama. As of February 6th the bill had not been assigned a committee hearing date.

The bill would require "pharmacies to provide notice to customers of the availability
of accessible labels for blind, visually impaired, or otherwise print disabled
individuals for prescription drugs and to provide the selected label on request;
establishing certain standards for accessible labels and prescription readers to be
used with accessible labels".

 Read the full text and track the bill here: