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On Stay Safe Rx you will find current events and resources advocating for safe prescription labeling practices. When patients struggle to see, read or understand their prescription labels they are more likely to take the wrong medication, take it improperly, or not take it at all. Pharmacies can make prescription labels more accessible by incorporating dual-language, audible, large print, Braille, plain language, and user-friendly designs. Check out the resources in the side bar to assist your own advocacy efforts or browse through posts to see what others are working on or have achieved.

Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind Hall of Fame 2019

Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind (#MSAB) is an initiative that brings together advocates from throughout the U.S. and Canada to spread the word in their communities about FREE accessible prescription labels available for individuals who are visually impaired.

This program is only as successful as the time and effort MSAB advocates put into it. Without further ado, here are some top photographs recognizing 2019 Medication Safety Awareness for the Blind Advocates.

Many of these individuals are Lions who go above and beyond for their communities. Many other groups are from organizations representing individuals who are visually impaired, aging agencies and more.

Eudora  Lions Club

Lion Angie with Cedar Lake Lions Club

Lion Advocate John Usinas of the Marlborough Lions Club

Pahrump Valley Lions Club

Lion Mary Jean with Spartanburg, S.C. Lions Club

Lion Trish with Past International Lions President Gudrun Yngvadottir

Lion Trish with Past International Lions President from the Quitaque Texas Lions Club

Part I: Lion Ken Copping of the Prince Rupert BC Lions Club

Part II; Lion Ken Copping 

If you would like to see your group's photo added to the 2019 MSAB Advocate Hall of Fame page, please email it to jreed@envisionamerica.com. Tell us which group you represent, where are you based and a bit about what event you are at in the photo. All submissions are welcome.

To learn more about MSAB and become an advocate, visit https://mailchi.mp/envisionamerica/msab or call 1-800-890-1180 to find a pharmacy near you that offers accessible labels. Follow MSAB on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/MedicationSafetyAwarenessBlind/