A hearing on AB 1902 before the California Assembly Business and Professions Committee is set for April 9, 2024. AB 1902 would require a pharmacies to provide an accessible prescription labels upon request of a person who is blind, has low vision or is otherwise print disabled.
The bill, introduced by Assembly Member Juan Alanis, along with co-authors Assm. Megan Dahle, Dixon, Lackey and Mathis, has already been amended once before the hearing removing references to notify each person of the availability of accessible labels, removing patient preference and requiring cautions or warnings be on the alternative label.
The amended bill states the labels must be provided at no additional cost to the patient and be affixed to the container. The label must also be available in a timely manner comparable to the wait times of other patients, appropriate to the disability of the patient through the use of audible, large print or braille, or translated, conform to the US Access Board and National CLAS standards, and provide a compatible reading device if one is needed.
You can track AB 1902 here: https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202320240AB1902
Testimony can be submitted through the witness portal https://calegislation.lc.ca.gov/Advocates/ or if that is inaccessible to you,
a letter addressed to: "Chair Marc Berman and Members of the Committee" and emailed to BOTH: Christina.Rocha@asm.ca.gov and Robert.Sumner@asm.ca.gov before April 2nd.