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On Stay Safe Rx you will find current events and resources advocating for safe prescription labeling practices. When patients struggle to see, read or understand their prescription labels they are more likely to take the wrong medication, take it improperly, or not take it at all. Pharmacies can make prescription labels more accessible by incorporating dual-language, audible, large print, Braille, plain language, and user-friendly designs. Check out the resources in the side bar to assist your own advocacy efforts or browse through posts to see what others are working on or have achieved.

Hawaii House and Senate Introduce Prescription Drug Bill


 Hawaii House and Senate Introduce Prescription Drug Bill

House Bill 218 introduced by Representative Gregg Takayama and Senate Bill 608 introduced by Senator Joy San Buenaventura and Senator Karl Rhoads both aim to make prescription labeling more accessible. 

Both bills would require pharmacies to provide accessible prescription drug label information to individuals who have difficulty seeing or reading prescription drug container labels.  Additionally, the bills would require pharmacies to inform the public that prescription drug label information is available in alternate accessible formats for individuals who have difficulty seeing or reading prescription drug container labels. 

The Board of Pharmacy would be required  to adopt rules to implement the bill by December 31, 2023.

Read bill text and track:

HB 218 -https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=HB&billnumber=218&year=2023


SB 608 - https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session/measure_indiv.aspx?billtype=SB&billnumber=608&year=2023